The following community investments reflect Helios’ commitment to meeting educational needs brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and our long-standing commitment to building a more equitable education system that increases student attainment and closes achievement gaps in both Arizona and Florida. We are grateful for the partnerships that were created in 2020 and the work that was done in support of student success at all levels.
Board-Approved 2020 Investments
Arts & Healing and Leadership Programs
This investment supports the Arts & Healing program, which is designed for middle school English Language Learner students and promotes the processing of immigration-based trauma. This work incorporates professional development for educators on trauma-informed education and social-emotional strategies. This grant also supports Aliento’s Leadership program, designed for high school students, which provides one-on-one mentorship, monthly cohort development, and hands-on higher education advocacy training to foster civic engagement and a college-going culture.
Arizona Academic Decathlon
2020 Planning Grant
The Arizona Academic Decathlon Association promotes, motivates, and acknowledges excellence in academic efforts and educational achievement through academic competitions for high school students of all scholastic achievement levels. This investment will support Arizona Academic Decathlon as it seeks to reengage rural Arizona schools and students.
Arizona Community Foundation
COVID-19 Community Response Fund
The COVID-19 Community Response Fund provided resources to address basic needs such as housing and food insecurity as a result of the pandemic. This investment was part of Helios’ community response to Arizona and Florida partners to quickly respond to these needs. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Arizona.
Arizona Community Foundation
Expect More Arizona Strategic Planning
This grant supported an external analysis and strategic planning process for Expect More Arizona. The activities included stakeholder interviews during the discovery phase; refinement of mission and messaging during the design phase, and a planning and development phase clarifying a vision for the future of Expect More Arizona.
Arizona Community Foundation
SOS Arizona Network
The Save Our Schools Arizona Network is a non-partisan, community-based organization supporting strong public schools for a strong Arizona. Through this project, the Network engages parents, teachers, and citizens in traditionally underserved communities to ensure all Arizonans have access to information about the power of public schools in their neighborhoods.
Arizona School Administrators
Educational Leadership Development
The Educational Leadership Development investment supports the ongoing development and delivery of a wide range of learning activities offered by the Arizona School Administrators. New opportunities include Crisis Management Leadership Training and a Superintendents’ National Certification Program.
ASU Foundation
Arizona Virtual Teaching Institute
The Arizona Virtual Teaching Institute expands teachers‘ proficiency with digital learning tools and methods. Helios‘ investment is matched with support from the Arizona Department of Education and the Office of the Governor of Arizona to provide the state with a robust, comprehensive, and holistic approach to preparing teachers, school leaders, and education support personnel to fully realize the opportunities and mitigate the challenges of digital learning.
Center for the Future of Arizona
Empowering the Voices of Arizonans
The Center for the Future of Arizona’s Empowering the Voices of Arizonans: Creating a Bright Future for Our State initiative brings Arizonans together to consider trusted and actionable data to support problem-solving; empower partners and organizations to address their needs; and advance new ways of tackling big challenges, especially the rebuilding process that will be required by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
College Success Arizona
Arizona Postsecondary Student Resiliency Fund
The Arizona Postsecondary Student Resiliency Fund supports current college students who have been impacted by COVID-19 and may be experiencing unusual hardships during the unanticipated transition period to a 100% virtual learning environment. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Arizona.
College Success Arizona
College Knowing & Going College Readiness Teams
The College Knowing & Going College Readiness Teams Project is a partnership led by the Arizona College Access Network to develop a comprehensive, data-driven, student-centered approach to college readiness at 15 high schools. With supporting partners Earn to Learn and Northern Arizona College Resource Center, the program creates a school-wide culture in which all stakeholders collaborate to ensure low-income, first-generation, underserved Arizona students graduate high school ready for college.
Community Foundation for Southern Arizona
COVID-19 Community Support Fund
The COVID-19 Community Response Fund provided resources to address basic needs such as housing and food insecurity as a result of the pandemic. This investment was part of Helios’ community response to Arizona and Florida partners to quickly respond to these needs. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Arizona.
Diné College
Warrior Protection Fund
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit Diné College students and the Navajo Nation especially hard, exposing and stressing an already fragile support system. Students are faced with the lack of computers, access to the internet, food insecurity, unstable housing, financial needs, and limited access to health care and medicine. The “Warrior Protection Fund” has been established by Diné College to help provide resources for students who have been adversely affected by the pandemic.
Expect More Arizona
Operating Support 2020
This investment supports Expect More Arizona in building the public will needed to close achievement gaps and make progress toward the Arizona Education Progress Meter goals.
Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Educational Initiatives
This grant supports several of the Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce’s educational initiatives for youth and young professionals, including the Skills for Success Initiative, Summer of Coding and Website Development, Scholarships for Postsecondary Learning, as well as completing its internship website for use by community members.
Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation
HSI Scholarship Fund
This investment maximizes the Maricopa County Community Colleges District Foundation’s dollar-for-dollar match of Title V Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) funds awarded by the U.S. Department of Education. These funds will establish the endowed HSI Scholarship Fund, enriching the lives of students by removing barriers to success in postsecondary education.
Stand for Children
Arizona: Sustainability Funding 3.0
This investment supports Stand for Children in its ongoing Arizona work currently focused on literacy programs, implementation of effective English Language Learner classroom models, and adapting services to the changing COVID-19 pandemic landscape.
The Institute for Citizens & Scholars
Civic Learning
This investment supports The Institute for Citizens & Scholars to implement the priorities identified in its From Civic Education to Civic Learning Ecosystem 2019 research.
Read Better Be Better Expansion
This investment supports Read Better Be Better’s expansion in the Peoria Unified School District to 10 Title 1 schools, develops systems within that community to build a pipeline for an educated and engaged workforce, and supports adding technology and training for Read Better Be Better’s existing platform expansion.
Roadtrip Nation
Arizona Roadtrip
Roadtrip Nation will put three Arizonans, who are in the midst of defining their own roads in life, on a roadtrip across the state to interview leaders from diverse backgrounds and industries. The experience of each roadtripper will be captured for media, education, and policy purposes and shared with students and adults across Arizona who are or will be seeking to create their own career paths through college completion and/or postsecondary certifications.
Valley of the Sun United Way
United for the Valley COVID-19 Fund
The United for the Valley COVID-19 Fund provided resources to address basic needs such as housing and food insecurity as a result of the pandemic. This investment was part of Helios’ community response to Arizona and Florida partners to quickly respond to these needs. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Arizona.
Yavapai County Educational Services Agency
Arizona Student Opportunity Collaborative 2.0
The Arizona Student Opportunity Collaborative connects Arizona’s rural students to the rigorous courses and qualified teachers they need by leveraging existing assets in rural schools through an online grassroots network. The Arizona Student Opportunity Collaborative is designed to eliminate geography as an instructional barrier, and create a comprehensive, rigorous and relevant learning environment for Arizona’s rural high school students. Students will take courses via hybrid classrooms utilizing commercially available services like Zoom or Skype, with highly qualified network teachers instructing students both online and physically present in their rooms.
Achieve Miami
Achieve Miami Expansion and Evaluation
With grant funding from Helios, Achieve Miami is preparing students to engage in and be successful in postsecondary education through a tiered, student-centric approach.
Leadership development and college readiness are promoted through Achieve Clubs at over 30 partner high schools while a deeper level of engagement is delivered through a series of workshops as part of the Achieve College Readiness Community. The most deeply integrated support is through the Achieve Scholars program which provides low-income students focused and deeply integrated support from Achieve Miami personnel starting their junior year of high school.
Broward College Foundation
BC2FIU/Helios Scholarship Program
The Helios-BC2FIU Scholarship Program is a collaboration between Broward College and Florida International University to increase baccalaureate degree completion in select articulated Broward College Associate of Science degree programs that guarantee admission to complementary baccalaureate degree programs at Florida International University.
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay
This investment provides operating support to the LEAP Tampa Bay College Access Network, a cross-sector network of 17 founding partners and dozens of supporting partners, convened to promote community-wide commitment to college access and attainment in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties.
Community Foundation of Tampa Bay
TB Rapid Response Fund—COVID-19
The TB Rapid Response Fund—COVID-19 provided resources to address basic needs such as housing and food insecurity as a result of the pandemic. This grant was part of Helios’ community response to Arizona and Florida partners to quickly respond to these needs. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Florida.
Consortium of Florida Education Foundations
Operating Support
This investment builds on the Consortium of Florida Education Foundation’s nearly 30-year history of sharing best practices and providing a supportive, collegial networking environment for Florida’s local education foundations, including assessments for each of its member education foundations that result in specific, expanded professional development and support appropriate for their local context.
Florida International University Foundation
Helios Last Mile Scholarship
Florida International University’s Last Mile Scholarships provide gap grants to students who have an unmet financial need and serve as an important resource to support student success with outcomes focused on retention, graduation, and employment.
Heart of Florida United Way
Alice Recovery Fund COVID-19
Heart of Florida United Way set up the ALICE Recovery Fund in March 2020 to prevent homelessness for families impacted by the economic consequences of COVID-19. This grant was part of Helios’ community response to Arizona and Florida partners to quickly respond to community needs. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Florida.
New Teacher Center
SEED Grant Match
In the 2019-2020 school year, the New Teacher Center and Miami-Dade County Public Schools began the first phase of a three-year federal Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) grant. With its SEED grant, the New Teacher Center aims to improve clinical experiences and support for pre-service teachers and alternative certification teachers. Helios’ investment provides federally required matching support.
Take Stock in Children
COVID-19 Student Support
To address the needs of first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students and ensure they remained focus on degree completion, Helios and Take Stock in Children came together to provide critical support for students in the Take Stock in College program. COVID-19 Student Support funds addressed student challenges including issues of housing and food insecurity as well as educational needs prompted by virtual instruction.
Take Stock in Children
COVID-19 Student Support Continuation
The Helios-Take Stock in Children Florida COVID-19 Student Support Continuation investment will provide Take Stock in College students experiencing hardships during the prolonged coronavirus pandemic access to emergency resources and programmatic supports to help ensure students stay on track to postsecondary completion and degree attainment.
Teach For America - Miami-Dade
TFA Florida Alumni Development
Teach For America will recruit experienced Teach For America teachers within the State of Florida, support experienced Teach For America teachers in their continued leadership of schools and school systems in Florida, and accelerate its progress toward the vision that, one day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.
The Miami Foundation
Community Recovery Fund—COVID-19
The Community Recovery Fund—COVID-19 provided resources to address basic needs such as housing and food insecurity as a result of the pandemic. This grant was part of Helios’ community response to Arizona and Florida partners to quickly respond to these needs. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Florida.
United Way of Miami-Dade
Operation Helping Hands—Miami Pandemic Response
Operation Helping Hands—Miami Pandemic Response provided resources to address basic needs such as housing and food insecurity as a result of the pandemic. This grant was part of Helios’ community response to Arizona and Florida partners to quickly respond to these needs. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Florida.
United Way Suncoast
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund
The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund provided resources to address basic needs such as housing and food insecurity as a result of the pandemic. This grant was part of Helios’ community response to Arizona and Florida partners to quickly respond to these needs. Helios’ investment prioritized support for programs and organizations helping students and families impacted by school closures in Florida.
University of Central Florida Foundation
COVID-19 Summer Completion Grant Initiative
The Helios-Florida Consortium COVID-19 Summer Completion Grant Initiative provided emergency completion grants targeted to students whose emergency expenses either are not covered or not anticipated to be covered by the CARES ACT and traditional financial aid.
University of South Florida Foundation
USF National Center for Student Success & Well-Being—Planning
This investment supports a strategic planning process for the creation of an applied research center that will increase student success at the University of South Florida by acknowledging the interconnectivity between student health and well-being and successful completion of a postsecondary degree. The applied research center, housed within the Office of Student Success, will be informed by the Center for Transdisciplinary Research in College Health and Well-Being and seeks to guide policy and program innovation at USF and other higher education institutions in order to elevate degree completion.
Total 2020 Community Engagement Investments
Other 2020 Community Giving
Total resources invested in Arizona and Florida in 2020