Reshaping Individuals
Individual aspirations vary, yet one common denominator to success is constant ― education. Moving beyond present circumstances by maximizing an individual’s ability to imagine his or her future differently, embrace what he or she can become, and elevate his or her outcomes not only reshapes that one individual, it reshapes what’s possible.
Reshaping communities starts with reshaping the opportunities available to individuals. Our goal is to ensure all students in Arizona and Florida have the opportunity to chart their own path and pursue whatever is before them. Whether it’s providing financial resources through postsecondary scholarships, providing access to professional development opportunities for educators, or providing access to higher-level academic coursework for rural students, Helios Education Foundation is transforming opportunities through education.

Professional Development Institute at Educare
The Professional Development Institute at Educare is working to improve early childhood education teacher quality and practice, which will lead to better classroom experiences for children, and ultimately help ensure our state’s youngest children are prepared for kindergarten and beyond.

College Knowing & Going
The College Knowing & Going initiative works at the intersection of academic success and postsecondary access to create equitable outcomes for students. This collaborative cadre includes teachers, administrators, counselors, and community members to promote school-wide college going cultures.

Helios Ready Now Yuma Scholarship
As a result of Helios’ significant investment in the Yuma Union High School District through the Ready Now Yuma initiative, more students are prepared to succeed in postsecondary education, and Helios wants to make sure there are increased opportunities for students to attend and complete their degree.