StrategyCommunity investments made through Helios’ Innovative area provide the Foundation the flexibility to support initiatives that address key education reform issues. Like the Foundation’s other focus areas (Early Grade Success, College and Career Readiness and Postsecondary Completion), innovative investments support the Foundation’s broader strategic effort to build and reform effective and coordinated education systems in both states that prepare all students for success in college and career.
Celebrating 10 Years of Impact in Innovative Partnerships
Through the Innovative Partnerships impact area, Helios has invested nearly $20 million in partnerships that are improving educational outcomes for all students in Arizona and Florida. Through this work, the Foundation is helping make education a higher priority, fostering collaboration and engaging in robust dialogue around the most important issues in education.
2014 Community Investments in Innovative: $675,000
Accio Advocacy
Arizona Community Foundation
The Accio Education Fund is a fund created by Helios and the Arizona Community Foundation to support the development and expansion of innovative education reform efforts for the benefit of Arizona students. This grant represents the third round of Accio funding and will be invested in strategic education advocacy efforts.
Education Track
Leadership Florida
Through this support from Helios, Leadership Florida will incorporate into its existing programs topics covering key education issues facing the state of Florida. In addition, Leadership Florida will create an annual Education Initiative Class, a specific leadership track focused on the education sector. This effort is jointly supported by the Florida Department of Education and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Tucson Values Teachers
Tucson Values Teachers
Tucson Values Teachers is dedicated to transforming the ways teachers are valued and economically supported as a means of improving the K-12 education system in Southern Arizona. This effort is built on a partnership among the business community, educators and the public in that region of the state.