Early Grade Success
StrategyThe Foundation’s work in Early Grade Success reflects a focus on building and strengthening sustainable early childhood systems that contribute to quality early learning environments for children; improving access to and the quality of early childhood professional development for teachers, administrators and practitioners working with children; and bridging early childhood and K-3 education systems to increase the successful transition of young children.
Celebrating 10 Years of Impact in Early Grade Success
Through our work in Early Grade Success, Helios is empowering local communities to build systems to ensure more children and families have access to high-quality, early learning services that lead to language and literacy development. In addition, parents and early childhood educators are receiving the training they need to build learning environments that promote literacy skills and language acquisition. Over the past decade, Helios has invested more than $17 million in Early Grade Success initiatives leading to quality early learning environments that have impacted more than 20,000 educators, parents and children.
2014 Early Grade Success: $2,705,000
Abriendo Puertas
Chicanos Por La Causa
In partnership with Chicanos Por La Causa, Abriendo Puertas brings to Arizona the nation’s first evidence-based parent leadership program for Latino parents with children ages birth to five. The program builds the capacity and confidence of parents to be strong and knowledgeable first educators, encouraging them to promote their children’s success and become an integral part of their children’s educational process.
Advancing BUILD Arizona
Share our Strength/Community Wealth Partners
Community Wealth Partners is a nationally recognized organization that helps other organizations identify successful system-building practices that lead to broad social change. Through this investment, Community Wealth Partners is working with the BUILD Arizona coalition to develop an early childhood system and action plans for issues that impact school readiness and third-grade reading proficiency.
Early Learning Florida
University of Florida Foundation
The University of Florida’s Lastinger Center for Learning is working with the Florida Office of Early Learning, the Florida legislature, the state’s 30 early learning coalitions, provider associations and other early learning stakeholders to build a new system for improving the early learning teaching practice. The premise of Early Learning Florida is to build a best-in-class, professional development system through a robust, online, blended, one-stop hub that will help early childhood teachers increase their effectiveness in the classroom.
Jumpstart AZ
Jumpstart for Young Children
Jumpstart is a national early education organization with the vision that all children, regardless of zip code, should enter kindergarten prepared to succeed. This investment brings Jumpstart’s proven curriculum to the state to help children develop the early language and literacy skills they need to enter school ready to succeed.
Third-grade Retention Policies
By utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, WestEd is assessing the long-term impact of third-grade retention policies on high school course taking and on graduation and college matriculation in Florida. In addition, WestEd is studying early impacts of third-grade retention policies on student achievement, future retention, special education placements and attendance in Arizona.