Impact in Florida
One out of four Floridians identifies as Latino, and one out of six identifies as African-American; however, African-American and Latino students, when compared to their White peers, show significant differences in student academic achievement from the early grade years to and through postsecondary completion. The cumulative effects of these gaps have limited Florida’s overall postsecondary degree attainment rate. With this in mind, Helios is implementing its Florida Regional Student Success strategy with a focus on the metropolitan areas of Miami, Orlando, and Tampa to shrink the academic achievement gap and increase the number of students who achieve a postsecondary education.
This collection of short, documentary-style videos provides a snapshot of some of the passionate people engaged in Helios-funded programs working to change lives and make communities better through education. Watch Cynthia Rodriguez of Kid’s Clubhouse in Tampa; Jorge Salmeron, a Take Stock in Children mentor in Plant City; Deanna DuBose, a teacher at Booker Middle School in Sarasota; and Adriana Comellas-Macretti of Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund of Metro Orlando explain in their own words why what they do in education everyday matters.
Florida Theory of Action